Fast and Effective Relief of Knee Pain
Knee pain is one of the most commonly experienced areas of musculoskeletal pain. Most people simply dismiss this pain as ‘wear and tear’ – however, the majority of knee pain can be completely eradicated with simple physiotherapy intervention.
This is because the majority of knee pain is caused by a muscle weakness and muscle imbalance around the knee.
Take for example, the condition Patellofemoral Knee Pain Syndrome. Colloquially, this are known as ‘knee cap tracking problems.’ The kneecap is a floating bone. This means that the tracking of the kneecap relies purely on the muscles which have attachments to it. Tightness in these muscles can impact the tracking of the knee joint, and will often be the cause of this knee pain syndrome.
It is also highly common to have those with knee pain move in a predominantly ‘knee dominant’ pattern of movement. In these cases, building strength through a hip pattern of movement can reduce ongoing strain through the knee joint. This alone can be sufficient to allow structures of the knee to de-load and become less inflamed.
Even in the case of severe osteoarthritis – a simple 6-week physiotherapy guided exercise program achieves a 36% reduction in pain and improved quality of life. This is demonstrated with tens of thousands or participants with even severely osteoarthritic knees.
At Move Physiotherapy treating knee injuries is our passion. In the cases of acute and sub-acute knee injuries, we will thoroughly assess the biomechanics of your knee, and identify areas of muscle tightness and weakness.
Muscle tightness occurs for a reason. These are usually ‘overworked’ muscles. Whilst we may get temporary improvement from soft tissue techniques such as massage and foam rolling, we must restore muscle strength to the muscles not doing their share of the load. We will work with you during your rehabilitation utilising our fully equipped gymnasium space – offering everything from weights, kettlebells and Clinical Pilates.