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How A Biopsychosocial Model Applies For All Pain. Part 1: Complex Pain

What Is a Bio-Psycho-Social Model?

It is now common knowledge that our level of pain is directly correlated to the amount of ‘threat’ that our brain is perceiving.

There are many sources that influence this ‘threat’, both positively and negatively. For example:

These factors can ALL dramatically increase or decrease our perceived level of ‘threat’ regarding our injury, and therefore our pain state.

The next series of articles aims to break down the ‘Bio-Psycho-Social’ model of pain for a number of different injuries – ranging from your common muscle strain to complex lower back pain.


Today our example will be the Complex Lower Back Pain. In order to illustrate how ‘psycho-social’ factors can influence pain; we are going to make the ‘biological’ side of the presentation identical in both scenarios.

Lower Back Pain: Joe vs Vicky

Biological Factors

Both Joe and Vicky have lower back pain. As is most common in lower back pain, they had the following ‘biological’ contributions to their pain:

All of these factors can create a biological ‘threat’ to our system. However, fundamentally these factors alone do not necessarily contribute to pain. There are many studies that demonstrate:

As such, there are other factors that play into our pain experience.

In comparing Joe and Vicky, both experience pain in their lumbar spines. However, Joe experiences an almost constant 8/10 pain in his back, whereas Vicky only suffers a 4/10 pain. Let’s look at the psychosocial factors that may be playing a role:

Psychological Factors

Joe has amplified the perceived threat levels in his brain relating to his back pain because of the following beliefs:

Conversely, Vicky has decreased her ‘perceived level of threat’ with the following beliefs:


Social Factors

Joe has amplified his perceived level of threat because of the following social factors:

These social factors, and more, increase the stress and threat level for Joe and as such play a big role in amplifying his pain experience.

Vicky has decreased her perceived level of threat with the following social factors:



Fundamentally, we understand that each person that presents to physiotherapy is unique – and the pain experience of one person can be COMPLETELY different from another

But ‘the issues in the tissues’ is only one piece of the puzzle. This is easily identifiable in complex cases, such as the one above – but it plays a role in even the most minor of soft tissue injuries. We will explore this later in the series!

If you are experiencing pain –

  2. Take control of your actions that can enhance your ‘biological factors’ – for example, fix your diet, stop your alcohol consumption, gradually introduce movement within acceptable pain limits.
  3. Decrease your psychological threat: reinforce to yourself – YOU WILL GET BETTER.
  4. Surround yourself with positive social influences – with a group who can assist and nurture your recovery. Similarly, avoid people who are ‘doom and gloom’, who are convincing you that things will never get better… the things we know from our research COMPLETELY IS NOT TRUE.

If you are experiencing chronic pain – YOU CAN RECOVER. However, as opposed to simply aiming to be instantly pain free, you might have to set smaller goals along the way – such as improving your mobility, or your walking tolerance, or simply gaining more movement awareness.

Your physiotherapist can help!

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